What caused us to start a church in Nashville, TN- the Buckle of the Bible Belt
My Testimony
My story starts in the country of India. Although I was born in India which is predominantly Hindu and Muslim, I was born into a “Christian” home. Christian by name but that was far from the truth. I grew up in a Anglican home where I was taken to church every Sunday but was never taught the truth of God’s Word. Some would say that I was a bad or naughty child, but there was something inside me that wanted to find out the truth. After I finished High school, I started looking for the truth. I joined different cults and religions but I was still empty inside. There was a longing to know more but I didn’t know how to obtain that.
Later that summer I worked at a camp and there was an independent baptist church coming for youth camp. I was in charge of making sure that their needs were met. But while overseeing, I was approached by a Canadian woman (Olive Britain) and my first thought was “Oh no, what did I do wrong?” But the Canadian woman, instead of getting in line to eat, approached me and asked for my name. I replied, “My name is Richard”. She went on to ask a question that would haunt my mind for the next couple weeks. She said, “If you were to die tonight, where would you spend eternity?” My answer was, “I would go to heaven because I haven’t done anything bad and I’ve been to church.” That answer wasn’t sufficient for her. Miss Olive said, “how do you know that for sure.” I was stuck yet again. I really didn’t know how to answer that question. Needless to say, that thought of dying and going to a burning hell was a nightmare, but God was working. A thought occurred to me, I had a friend who encouraged me to attend Bible college and so I said to myself, “If I want to know the truth maybe that’s where I can find it.”
I went in to get and application to attend Bible college but the head of the school, Dr. Eric Franks, went in the other room and got his old fashioned King James Version Bible. He sat me down and asked me the same question, “Richard, if you were to die tonight, where would you spend eternity.” I thought to myself, “Man, don’t these Baptist’s know any other question to ask.” But my answer was that I really didnt know. He sat me down in his living room and explained to me how I could know for sure that heaven was my home and how I could have Jesus Christ in my heart. That day I accepted Jesus Christ into my heart and my life was changed for
"The will of God is not something you add to your life. It’s a course you choose. You either line yourself up with the Son of God…or you capitulate to the principle which governs the rest of the world"- Elizabeth Elliot
The Need in Nashville
There is a great need in Nashville- there are Hindu temples, Muslim Mosques, churches that are closing their doors, and contemporary churches that are straying people from the truth of God’s Word. What are you going to do about it?
Our Calling from God
As I mentioned above, God has called us to Nashville, TN but more specifically Goodlettsville, TN to start a church. We are thrilled about what Do is doing in our church and we are excited to see what He is going to do in the future.
The Future
We are currently meeting at the Marriot Hotel in Goodlettsville, TN. We are praying that in the next couple months that God will provide a church building for us to meet in and we know He will in His time.
Memories from Deputation
The road through deputation was long but there were so many wonderful memories made with family and friends. Now looking back those days were just stepping stones to where we are now.
Many churches that we visited are not in these pictures but they will forever be in our hearts